
Monday, April 8, 2013

He is Risen!

Over the past few weeks, Aaron and I have been thinking about Easter traditions for our family.  Here are a few things we decided:

1. Easter lasts for more than Easter Sunday.  In fact, Easter season is supposed to last for 40 days until Ascension.
2. We need Easter decorations.

3.  We decided to do an Easter tree.  All I did was go outside and cut some branches of a green bush, stick them in a fabric covered coffee can and then add some decorations.  This ear I did a couple of bird ornaments and a couple of giant marbles that I had glued to sticks.  Next year we intend to fill some numbered plastic Easter eggs with Bible passages so that we can use them to lead our family devotions.  Of course, all the passages will be related to Christ's death and resurrection.  As of right now, we're planning on putting it up about a week before Easter and then continuing in the devotions for several days after Sunday.  
4.  Aaron is insisting that we sing a lot of Easter hymns any chance we get.  
5.  We plan on continuing to look for worthwhile Easter traditions because it is such an important holiday for both us. 

Any suggestions other than the obvious Easter baskets and egg hunt? 

1 comment:

  1. My parents have an awesome devotion that works on the fill-plastic-Easter-eggs principle. There are 12 eggs and each one has an object that represents a piece of the Easter story -- three dimes for the 30 pieces of silver Judas took to betray Jesus, a thorn for the crown of thorns, a sticker of a soldier for the guards at the tomb, a rock for the stone blocking the tomb, a toy rooster for the two crows after Peter betrays Jesus, etc. The eggs are numbered, and each member of the family takes one or two randomly and then they are opened in order and the person who has the egg explains the meaning of what's inside it. It's good for multiple ages because the explanation can be in depth or simple. The 12th egg is empty, just like the tomb on Easter morning.
