
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Something Fishy and I'm a Hater

Now to return to one of my favorite subjects: FOOD!

Right now Aaron and I are really into fish. Growing  up, my version of a good fish was something deep-fried, covered with tarter sauce, and tasting nothing like actual fish.  A month or so before Kira was born, Aaron requested fish.  Since he hardly ever requests anything, I felt that I had to oblige.  I scouted out the fish in the store and after a couple of weeks, I found some nice salmon on a super sale.  I looked up one of the top allrecipes recipes and took the plunge.  I warned Aaron, since he was grilling it for me, that if I disliked the fish, it was not his fault.  Fortunately, we both loved it.  Tonight, Aaron declared it his most favoritist dinner.  It is so easy, healthy and super yummy.  Check it out here.  I remember the last check up I had before Kira was born, I told my midwife that I hoped the baby wouldn't come the next day because I planned on having a super yummy fish dinner.  Kira was very obliging and waited an extra day.  I wouldn't swear by it, but I think these pictures were taken the day before Kira's birth .
Eating this fish won't make you as fat as I look.  I promise.
Aaron feels the need to savor each bite
A full belly is the way to any pregnant woman's heart.
Another favorite recipe is this one right here.  A friend brought this too us after Kira was born and I just about died from happiness especially when it was covering some yummy mashed potatoes.  Since I was dropping weight like crazy, I didn't have to worry about calories and could eat to my voracious heart's content.
Finally, I'm a hater...or more specifically, a food judger.  I confess that I judge people based on the food that they eat...or at least I used to.  I remember being in the grocery store line behind a guy who was obviously single.  All he was buying were Pringles, Mountain Dew, Wonder Bread and I think some bologna.  Gross.  As I said, I used to judge people...and then I got pregnant.  I just remember being in Wal-Mart and the only things in my shopping cart were literally macaroni and cheese, ramen noodle, graham crackers and some cereal.  At that moment, I realized I no longer had any basis for judging people.

In case your wondering, the pie in the pictures is a tomato basil pie.  It is so good that it deserves an entire post to itself. 

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