
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Life + Christmas List

I'm pretty sure that I'm married to the only man who asks his wife to read a chapter from a Tim Keller book before they go on a date so that they have something meaningful to discuss.  Yep.  In his defense, it was a good chapter.  Lately, we've been thinking a lot about mercy ministry and how to spend our money.  Definitely some challenging stuff in this chapter as well as in Scripture.
This guy is crazy.  He calls his cars "broom, brooms" and can speak several full sentences.  The funny thing is that all the sentences start with "I want..." If we tell he that we need to go somewhere, he runs around the house and brings everybody a pair of shoes.  While he does manage to match the right shoes to the right person, he doesn't discern much between types of shoes and is likely to bring you a pair of heels for a hiking excursion.  

Ok, so now the part that you all have been waiting for with baited breath: My Christmas list.  You only have about 2 months so it is time to start shopping! Here is what I have on the list for now though I'm sure it is likely to change.  
  • A beautiful journal.  I have one picked out but something like this would be nice.  
    Buy it here
    I've been slowly but surely journaling for the first time in my whole life.  I'm proud to say that I've been fairly consistent since February of this year.  Right now my motivation to write a lot is simply that I want to fill up my old journal so that I can start on a new prettier one.  I don't write much deep stuff.  I mainly stick to boring facts about my life.  I just want something to help me remember what life was like, how I spent my time, prayer requests that were answered, and cute things that my kids do.
  • Cutesy bowls and serving dishes with patterns on them.  Every. Single. Time. I go into TJ Maxx I have to wear a blindfold for the dishes section.  I'm totally loving everything with a blue and white design or even just a cute and colorful pattern.  Here are some dishes to give you an idea.  
    How about these?
    From Target
  • I also accept gifts of food items such as nice cheese, dark chocolate, and good coffee. 
  • Anything to do with gardening!  Even simple things like a nice quality hand trowel or some gardening gloves.  

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