
Sunday, January 12, 2014

I Would Never...

How many times in your life have you started a sentence with "I would never..." and then had to later eat your words?  It can apply to so many areas of your life. How you parent, what you think about others, lifestyle choices, etc. I think that the place I notice it the most is with my crunchy mama ways.  I find myself becoming more and more crunchy every day.  I think that part of the "problem" is that I have a lot of free time on my hands and a good internet connection so I'm always seeing good ideas online or feeling inspired by either the blogs I read or pinterest.  Here are just a few "I would nevers" that I definitely do. 

  • I would never cloth diaper.  I distinctly remember telling my husband while I pregnant with Kira that while I was sure that cloth diapers were better for the environment, cheaper, and safer for babies, I did not want to use.  They were nasty.  I told my husband this in private and yet it seemed like the whole world heard me.  Literally the next day, a friend started telling me how she wanted to cloth diaper her child and how wonderful and easy it was, yadda, yadda, yadda.  And what do you know?  It didn't stop there.  Pretty soon the world ganged up on us and repeated told us of the many benefits of cloth diapering.  A couple of weeks later, I told my husband, "Well, I guess we're cloth diapering."  Overall, cloth diapering has been a good experience.  It has certainly saved us tons of money. Some weeks I get really tired of it but we keep plowing through.  
  • I would never make homemade laundry detergent.  I remember hearing that the Duggers made their own laundry detergent and I thought it was weird and ridiculous...and then it became cool on pinterest/the entire internet.  Now I make my own detergent.  It takes me about 10 minutes every 2ish months and costs probably less than $1 a batch.  Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. 
  • I would never make my own deodorant.  Seriously, that is nasty and weird.  I made my first batch about 2 months ago.  Sometimes I really like it and sometimes I really don't.  I'm not sure if I'll keep making it or not.  I do like not having to be concerned about getting cancer though.  
  • There are lots of other things that I surprise myself by doing such as obsessively reading urban homesteading books, trying to convince my husband to make rain barrels, canning food, but I don't know that they were "I would nevers."  
What "I would nevers" have you been up to?    

1 comment:

  1. What laundry detergent recipe do you use? I have thought about trying to make some, but wasn't sure if it works well or not.
