
Monday, July 7, 2014

41 + Weeks and Still Pregnant

In case your wondering, I'm still very much pregnant.  I'm not even showing any signs of going into labor in the near future.  I go to my prenatal appointments twice a week now just to be told that I haven't changed at all since my last one.  Talk about depressing.
Today, we are supposed to make a decision whether or not I should be induced this week and what day this week.  It is like having a shoulder angel and demon except, unlike the cartoons, it is not easy to tell which opinion is good and which one is evil.  It goes something like this:
A: You shouldn't go past 42 weeks.  We need to induce you.
B: It is best for your body to go in to labor when it is ready.  There is no need to induce you.  You've had all the tests and ultrasounds and they all show that you and the baby are both healthy.
A: I'm going out of town this weekend and if you want me to be there for your induction we need to go ahead and start on Wednesday night.
B: Why not just wait until she gets back in town before even considering inducing?
A:  We can take the pitocin very slowly and possibly even turn it off if you body looks like it will just naturally take over.
B: You should look up all the bad side affects of pitocin.  It can interfere with your ability to bond with your baby and I'd hate that for you.  Plus once you get the pitocin then an epidural is almost inevitable.
C: Look at how many women have been induced and had pitocin and have no trouble whatsoever bonding with their child.

Add to the mix the people who text, call, and message me constantly asking me if I've had the baby yet and why haven't I.  Oh, and don't forget the fact that every time I go out in public the only thing people want to talk about is me and my inability to give birth along with all their advice on how to induce labor.  W
hy yes, I have taken lots of long walks and I have spent time kneeling/squatting in my garden and no I'm still not having contractions.  And no, I'm not dilating or effacing but thanks for asking.  And yes, I am doing my best to stay hydrated.  I'm sure castor oil helped you go into labor but I'm not sure that I'm interested in actually trying some myself.
I've tried crying about it but hasn't seemed to help.  So I'm stuck.  I have a baby that absolutely refuses to even try to come out.  I have people trying to comfort and offer all their advice.  I have people pressuring me that I need to make a decision and soon and I have others telling me to wait.  What will I do?  For now I'm going to try going for another walk, drinking more raspberry leaf tea, praying some more and there will probably be more tears if I happen to catch a glimpse of blob-like self in the mirror.

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