
Friday, April 18, 2014

Thirty-One Knockoff

A facebook friend of mine is a Thirty-One Bags sales rep.  A few weeks ago, she posted this picture:
While technically it is a coupon clutch, she said that it would work great for the envelope system.  The envelope system is simply a way of keeping on budget.  It involves taking out a certain amount of cash for a given period of time (i.e. a week, a month, etc.) and then putting it into individual envelopes for different areas of your budget.  For instance, you might put $100 into an envelope marked "food" and then when you go to the store you know exactly how much money you have to spend without having to do any math or worry about accidentally going over budget.  We've been using this system since we got married and it has worked wonderfully for our family.  Aaron has told me that I can use a credit card for all my purchases as long as I stay on budget but that is way too much work.  I prefer the envelope system.  The only problem with this system is that I constantly have several paper envelopes of cash floating around my purse and the envelopes inevitably get really beat up looking and torn after a little while.  I never thought about using anything besides paper envelopes until my friend posted this picture.  I wanted it.  No, I was pretty convinced I needed it.  It even went on sale...for $28.  Um, no.  I can buy a whole new purse for that amount of money.  So I started looking on the internet for some diy tutorials.  If found this super helpful one and got to work.   
I decided to only use scrap material to cut down on my remnants in storage and to keep the project cheap.  I'm not sure if it all matches but it was super cheap.  I even had two of the zippers.  My total cost was less than $5 for the 4 zippers I found on clearance.  Here are some pictures of the finished project.  
The button + elastic keeps it all closed and tidy.
There are 6 pockets complete with zippers.  

I put white tabs on each pocket so I can write each category to keep things straight.  

At this point, my child insisted that I take a picture of the "baby" and show it to her.  This is her fake smile. 

I also put a pocket on the back for coupons and such. 
I have yet to actually use it as I just completed this project yesterday, but hopefully it will be helpful and last for years.  I'm excited!

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