
Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Why do I feel the need to post continual updates on my baby?  Well it's not you, it's me.  Seriously.  I'm a lame-o when it comes to writing a baby book for my only child so I put it on here to remember it.  I think that is probably even more lame-o. "Mom, what was I like as a child?"  "I don't remember these things.  Go look my old blog up on the internet and find out.
Now back to the cutie pie.
The other day she was looking so adorable that I just had to try and get some pictures.  This is how they turned out.
She always tries to grab the camera
Or look away right as snap the picture
Or do super weird faces right at the last second
The hands are blurry but we'll take what we can get
She cracks me up
At 10 months:
  • She obeys basic commands such as "clap your hands" and "say bye-bye." 
  • She acts a little shy around strangers but doesn't usually have a problem with other people holding her.  
  • She is completely non-mobile.  I mean completely.  She doesn't even push herself into a seated position and only rolls over on rare occasions.  Part of me loves the fact that she can't get into anything but the other part of me wants to see her crawling and walking.  Last night she did manage to scoot herself around on the kitchen floor though it was mostly accidental.  I guess she just needs a smooth hard surface.  She will definitely be spending a lot of time in the kitchen if that is what it takes for her to learn how to move. 
  • She can do the sign language for "eat" and she also used to know how to say multiple words.  She seems to have slightly regressed and only says them on rare occasions.  Kids are so weird.  
  • She usually takes 2 morning naps and one afternoon nap.  She also sleeps through the night like a pro.  
  • Sometimes when I think she is tired and I put her in her bed, she decides that she would rather stay up and play in her bed.  She can easily amuse herself in bed alone for 30-45 minutes.  I love this child. 
  • We love to do krinkly-nosed smiles at each other. 


  1. 1. You will love re-reading these updates one day. I hardly remember Graham's infancy and am glad I can go back and read about it.
    2.Is she standing??
    3. She is SO, SO cute.
    4. I've heard that babies brains' develop in compartments; since she's been babbling and even saying words, her brain may be focused on those skills rather than motor growth. Patrick JUST started babbling; he may have been crawling for months now, but until a few weeks ago, he'd never uttered a real imitating sound. I bet she'll get moving soon!

  2. 5. She sleeps through the night! You lucky duck. Patrick's up like clockwork at 1:30 and 5.
