
Friday, August 10, 2012

On Due Dates and Dessert for Breakfast

Today is the day that we find out if our baby is more like me or Aaron.  Before getting married, I was always on time or early and Aaron was always late.*  Not only was Aaron late, but his family also has troubles with being punctual and the 40 some other Thomases in our church (not related to us) also struggle with punctuality.  That is why we it "running on Thomas time."  I am officially 40 weeks today and, so far, there has been no sign that this baby is actually coming anytime soon.  I keep getting bigger and gaining more stretch marks but I still have no baby to show for it.

Because it is my due date and because chocolate is good.  I decided to make this for breakfast:
Chocolate oatmeal may sound gross, but it is super yummy!  I recommend putting in some fresh berries and yogurt after it is already cooked.  If you do that, there is no need for any sugar at all.  Super good and somewhat healthy!  Love it.  Check out the recipe

*Since we've gotten married, I released my death grip on punctuality and Aaron has gotten better about being on time. 


  1. Happy due date day! Baby, come soon!

    I think we might get the punctuality thing from our moms because I'm the same way- always early or on time :)

  2. Chocolate oatmeal doesn't sound gross at all; it sounds amazing!
