
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Between Busy and Bored

Right now I'm feeling stuck between two extremes: Busy and super bored.  Do you ever have those moments?  On one hand, I'm doing and planning a ton of things.  But then the all the other times I have no clue what to do with myself.  Here are the list of the things that I'm actually working on now.

  • Starting a ladies' fellowship/Bible study thingy at church!  I'm so excited about this little project.  Our plan is to only meet once a month in the style of Titus 2.  Each time we'll have a different "older" woman speak about topic.  We'll also have snacks and coffee because well, who doesn't love snacks and coffee.  I'm also hoping to get enough volunteers to provide free childcare each month.  
  • Legalizing backyard chickens in our city.  This one is actually going decently well.  I'm on hold while I wait for the Mayor to make his proposal to the other commissioners though so I'm not actually doing anything for the time being besides researching chicken poop. 
  • About 6 months ago, we watched a movie called A Good Lie. While it wasn't the best movie I'd ever seen, it was definitely informative on refugees who have been relocated to America.  This inspired us to contact our local refugee center.  We found out that on average we have 130 refugees come into our city every year from either Burma or Somalia.  Due to some things out of our control, it has taken us a long time for the stars to line up.  Finally, last week we were introduced to two families.  Our job is to act as "ambassadors."  We'll befriend them, teach them how to ride the bus, how to use basic appliances that they might never have seen before, and the like.  The best part is that our local director is a Christian and so he is excited for us to show and tell them about the love of Christ.  My favorite part about this ministry is that it is something that we can do together as a family.  There is no need for us to find a babysitter and our children can get a front row view of how to serve and also what a different culture looks like.  Hopefully, I'll someday have some amazing stories and helpful insights to share. 
When I'm not working on one of these projects, I almost don't know what to do with myself.  I've been reading a lot and randomly working on quilt squares but I feel like I need a project to really inspire me. 

I guess that is all I have to say.  I just wanted to update my blog so it wouldn't look so dead. 

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