
Monday, December 7, 2015

The Serious Business of Heaven

As you've probably noticed, I don't really write serious stuff.  It takes too much time, effort and wisdom.  I lack all of the above.  However, a friend of mine recently asked me to write an encouraging note for a friend of theirs who recently moved to a new town, has few friends and is morning sick.  Here is what I came up with.  Since I'm super lazy I thought I'd get a two-fer-one deal and post it on my blog as well.  

I used to think that I was a sacrificial person…and then I had kids.  Before kids you selflessly drink your coffee every morning, before you selflessly drive to work in total peace and quiet, and then you selflessly eat a meticulously prepared dinner with your spouse before you selflessly go to bed whenever you feel like it.  It isn’t until after children that all those Bible verses about sacrifice and loving others really come into play. 
            Whenever you’re feeling worn out, tired of being a parent, or maybe just annoyed by the other human beings around you, stop and think about yourself.  I know that sounds like strange advice coming from a Christian writing about sacrificially serving others, but just trust me for a second.  Think about who you are and who Christ is. Think about how the King came not to let you serve Him, but so that He might serve you.  All of the troubles, aches, and pains that you are going through are nothing compared to what Christ went through for you. Just in case you are tempted to think for a second that you somehow deserved all this, think about how Christ died for you when you were still His enemy as a free gift for you.
            Look around at those troublesome things and people surrounding you, Christ was willing to give up kingship in heaven for you, how much more should we be willing to sacrifice a few small things.  If Christ is willing to be born in a barn why am I complaining about giving up my nice flat abs to make a room for my baby?  And if Christ is willing stay up all night praying before his betrayal and death, why am I throwing a fit about getting up to nurse my baby in the middle of the night on a nice comfy couch while I watch the next episode of Sherlock?
I have a natural inclination to do whatever I feel is my duty to do but this doesn’t mean that I’m always happy about it.  I was having a few days like this not too long ago.  I was annoyed with my husband so I decided to give him the silentish treatment while I sacrificially made him his breakfast before work.  My kids were being their usual needy selves so I sacrificially tended to them while I barked out orders like a drill sergeant.  I was miserable and I was doing a pretty good job of making sure my family felt miserable as well.  Then I happened across this quote from C.S. Lewis, “Joy is the serious business of heaven.”  Jesus didn’t endure the shameful death on the cross just because He had to but rather because of the joy that was set before Him.  When I decide to put off all my grumpiness and smile, laugh and express gratitude, I’m giving Satan a big ol’ kick in the pants.  When I can puke my guts up again and again but still thank God for the life He has placed within my womb, God is glorified.  When I can serve my husband eggs and a genuine smile even when I think he doesn’t deserve it, Satan gets really nervous.  When we joyfully and sacrificially serve others, we are storming the very gates of Hell. 

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