
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Rainy Days and Homemade Bread

Today it is only 75 degrees out which is quite cool for mid June.  It is also a rainy day.  We're keeping ourselves busy by lighting candles and baking homemade healthy bread.  Hopefully, I'll be able to put 3-4 loaves of it right into the freezer which will keep us supplied with bread for 2-4 weeks.  I'm hoping that the baby will be born during that time and we'll be able to have yummy toast for breakfast.

Since the school year ended, we've had a significant decrease in our weekly obligations.  Sometimes this is nice.  Sometimes it is hard to be home all the time with nothing to do.  Other times we get super busy and I get 37 weeks tired and it is nice to be able to sit on the couch and read books all day.

Because I've had so much free time, I'm trying to work on being a more involved mom.  Kira is mostly happy to amuse herself.  When she does want me to amuse her, it is always the same couple of things over and over.  She wants me to read books, sing songs or chase her around the house.  Each day that I'm home with no big events going on, I decided that I needed to start trying to do a specific fun thing with her.  Nothing big or flashy, just something somewhat new or different.  So far I've been relying heavily on pinterest.  Today's activity was to put stickers on a piece of paper.  While cleaning out the office/baby's bedroom, I found a book of stickers that I purchased for $1 when tutoring.  About 3/4 of them were left which added up to several hundred.  I took a piece of construction paper and made little dots on it. I then handed my child a sticker at a time and encouraged her to put them on the stickers.  Most of them made on or near a dot.  At the end, I let her color the paper with her crayons.  I think she enjoyed it and I have enough stickers left to repeat this activity probably 5 more times.
In other news, we've been cleaning out our office/guest bedroom to make it a nursery.  
This is Aaron putting together the big girl toddler bunk bed while K-baby reads her books right in the middle of it all totally oblivious to the fact that she is probably in the way.  She loves to be with her daddy. We hope to have the room fully functional by early next week as I will be 38 weeks on Sunday.  Kira has adjusted well to her new bed.  As she is not a climber at all, she hasn't attempted to get out of her bed once though it would be fairly easy for her if she ever decided to try it.  Speaking of toddler beds, when are you supposed to give your child a pillow?  
I'm just going to leave you with a picture of this cutie-pie.  This is her in her jammies waving hello to the world.  She is going to be so excited to have a baby in the house.  We've already been practicing wrapping her bunnies in blankets and putting them to bed and such.  

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