
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hard Times

I think Kira has been getting in her incisors in, possibly all four of them at the same time.  She had a fever starting in the afternoon on Tuesday, then another fever on Wednesday night and has been grumpy almost non-stop.  The only thing I can figure out is that her teeth are hurting her.

It is so hard to deal with grumpiness that lasts almost all day long.  She doesn't want any of her favorite foods, books or toys except her beloved doggie and her fingers to suck on.  We have been doing lots and lots of snuggling and that doesn't even seem to help all the time.

Yesterday morning, we found out that a friend's youngest son was critically hurt in a car accident when driving home from college for the Christmas holiday.  The the doctors told them to come as soon as possible.  In the past 36 hours or so, I've been checking my email and on facebook for updates.  The latest update was that the doctors just administered a last ditch medication in an attempt to help him breathe.

I want to be frustrated at my child for the constant fussing.  I want to mad at my husband who accidentally took the car seat to work which means that I had to stay home all day with miss fussy britches instead of getting to make Christmas cookies.  I want to be mad at God for allowing such inconveniences to happen...But then I see the updates from this young man's family and how they are responding to this hard providence with peace.

Teething will only last for a season (hopefully, only a few days or even hours), my husband will bring home the car seat in mere minutes, and mom my just brought me Christmas cookies.  What do I really have to complain about?  Seriously.

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