
Monday, December 24, 2012

Our Very First Christmas Tradition

Lately, Aaron and I have been talking about what sort of traditions we want to have with our children.  It is very much a work in progress since Baby Girl is only 4 1/2 months old.  I think we'll just have to be patient and see what works for us as time marches on.
All that said, we did accidentally start one tradition.  Saturday (the 22nd)  was a big day for us.  We spent a good part of the day with Aaron's sister and brother-in-law from out of town and then finished up presents, made food, etc. Towards the end of the day, I decided that I wanted to have a simple, but scrumptious dinner of waffles and an egg hash.  As I was eating dinner, I realized that last year on Friday (Dec. 23), we had also had waffles amid working on presents and hanging out with Aaron's family.  Thus a tradition is born.  We'll see if we keep it up.
The reason we did waffles last year was because meat made me feel sick and I was so tired out and we had no food in the house.  I remember that eating made me feel so tired that I could barely lift the fork to my mouth to take my next bite of waffle.  P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C.  I used to say that I was wimp.  Aaron's quip back was that I was a wimp: A Woman In the Midst of Pregnancy.
Matthew and Aaron were having a contest to see who could do the worst/strangest wrapping job.
Look, I'm pregnant.  I didn't put on any makeup.  I didn't even get out of  my PJ's that day.  Oh, and there is a chance I might have even puked. 

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