
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Newbie Gardening Advice for Other Newbies

I love least in the spring.  I tend to get tired of weeding and watering sometime around July/August but that never stops me from starting gardens in the springtime.  My Grandma is a master gardener.  I'm still a newb.  Someday, I hope to be really cool and be able to give some amazing advice as to why your tomato plants aren't doing so hot or how to get the perfect soil composition.  For now though, I'll just stick with the basics.  Last year, we bought a pepper plant that turned out to be chilis (totally mislabeled) so hot that we couldn't eat them.  In case you're wondering, I now know how to identify a chili plant.  Here are my top 3 pieces of advice for a newbie gardener. Plant some perennials and give some of your annuals a chance to come back before buying all new ones.  

1. Plant at least some perennials and give your annuals at least a chance to come back before buying all new ones.  It is so exciting to go outside and check for new signs of growth each day.  So far I have spotted chives, lilies, and rhubarb.  Things like tomatoes and basil will often come back as well but they do take a long time (think mid-May). 
Hiya, baby chives.  We love you. 

2. Grow things that you love.  I love edible plants and flowers for picking.  I turned my front flower garden into primarily an herb and cherry tomato garden.  I love my herbs more than I love keeping up the metaphorical Joneses.  I did decide that this year I need more picking flowers and so I'll have to try and find somewhere to squeeze them in.  
I loved these flowers.  Can I have some more? 
3.  Compost.  Seriously, if you eat even kind of healthy, you'll find yourself throwing away tons of reusable scraps.  SAVE THEM!  There are so many easy and economical ideas for composting on pinterest.  Take a moment and check them out.  I love not being wasteful.  I almost feel guilty now if I try to throw away compostable material in the garbage can.  Plus, if you are like us, you can also use your compost heap to feed the local rabbit.  

4.  Ha, I only promised 3 pieces of advice so this one is just a bonus.  Figure out what a chili plant looks like and don't buy it on accident.  

1 comment:

  1. Love your gardening ideas! I'm still a newbie, too. But it's so fun!
